Workers begin to cut logs for assembly of Best of the West.   A temporary shed is in place for the construction workers to take shelter from the elements to keep on schedule

Initial assembly of the logs begins.   Temporary rails are in place for moving the heavy logs out of the shelter and into place for construction
The first of the massive log walls begins to take shape.

Workers assemble the central support structure and begin stringing the roof logs.   Each log is specially cut and drilled before being hoisted into position with a crane.


The completed roof structure.   This was later modified to add a clearstory in the center of the building.
View of the completed porch with the frame work of the Teepee and the final drop of the flume are taking shape in the background.

View from the porch of the towers of the Fort taking shape across the pathway.

Workers install the skylight at the center of the roof structure as opening day draws near.
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