Parks have always looked to set the scene at the entrances to their parks with elaborate and beautiful landscaping.  Quite often topiaries and other unique plantings have been a key part of the entry plazas.

For the 1976 season Great Adventure relocated its entry plaza to a more centralized location just off the park's main fountain.  This new entry portal created two new themed areas - Avenue of the States just inside the main gates and Liberty Court situated between the ticket booths and parking lot.  The entire region was a patriotic tribute to America as it celebrated the Bicentennial of the United States.  As part of the new Liberty Court, a large central planter was constructed with the park's initials "GA" created in topiary on opposite sides of the inclined mound of earth.
This massive central island of greenery lasted for only four seasons before it was removed and replaced with a new smaller lower profile island which still exits today.   The smaller planter allowed for better traffic flow in and out of the park as well as provided for a stacking area for patrons lining up at the ticket windows. 

A similar hill planting was created at the edge of the parking lot.  That topiary planting also featured the giant "GA" letters for a while and was later changed to feature other logos including the famous Great Adventure rainbow and Bugs Bunny's head.
Prior to the entrance plaza's recent resurfacing, the outline of the original planter could be found in the concrete.  Today the former site of the GA planter is home to a much smaller planter which includes the park's main flagpole.