Friday - April 3rd, 2015

If I had a dollar for each time it has rained on opening day at Great Adventure over the years, I would be a rich man.  Even so, a little water (or at times a lot of water) didn't ruin the fun of being back in the park after a long cold winter.  Almost every ride was open and the park looked nice and ready for what will be an EXTRA long season this year!  Wishing everyone a fantastic 2015 season, here are some opening day photos.

  Years of prayers have finally been answered.  Hooray!  Guest without bags lanes! 
Aqua Stadium looked sort of ... closed.   
    They are facing forward for now. 
How about a Holiday in the Park train ride? 
The Movie Town letters are back.     
  A new walkway through the Old Country will be open during peak times primarily during major outings in the picnic grove and Fright Fest.
  I love that the park isn't afraid to use the the words "Great Adventure" or "G.A." instead of just the Six Flags corporate name. 
Inside the aqua stadium looks ok from the air.     
  Sitting on the end seat, the Safari Off Road Adventure got me more wet today than Congo Rapids did last season. 
Love this guys growl!     
Construction of El Diablo made some great progress today.  Compare these photos to the ones from later in the day below. 
Attitudes had a major off-season remodeling including a new flooring, a redesigned layout, and the removal of some doors and the addition of display windows.   It also seems like some neon may be soon installed on the ceiling of the store.
The Flags tent also received a new floor, the Boardwalk Arcade was expanded, and the red and white tent has all its windows blackened. 
While Fort Independence is shuttered, the sea lions have joined the otters in the Golden Kingdom. 
  Tons of neon in the Boardwalk Food Court.   
As mentioned, construction progress was made today on El Diablo. 
Once it stopped raining the Big Wheel opened and a better view of the Old Country walkway could be seen. 
  The Musik Express has been removed.   
Some utility work going on here.