Monday - August 3rd, 2015

We are still in the middle of a long heat wave and the sun was sure beating down at Great Adventure today.  As we reach the early days of August some advanced advertising for this autumn's festivals and events continue to pop up. 

Enjoy these photos from around the park!

  Demo after dark?
  Prep work on the Great Lake Grandstand continues.
Netting protects the beautiful sand sculpture near Yum Yum Cafe.
  Colorful yet scary!  
Macho Nacho is a great addition to the park's restaurant lineup.
The second overhead beam has been removed from the Golden Kingdom entrance. CHARGE it!
A sign has been added to SkyScreamer.
Air Jumbo also has a new sign that matches the Adventure Alley graphics.  
  The Aqua Stadium pigeons have been moved to Looney Tunes Seaport.
Ho Ho Ho!  What could this be?  :)  
Brad Ross's first trick... no 2:30 show.