Friday - May 29th, 2020

I don't think anyone who left the park at the end of last season ever thought that opening day 2020 would be the last weekend in May.  Not to mention for only the Safari Park.  And further not to mention as a drive-thru attraction once again.  That is the crazy world we live in with Covid-19.

Thanks to Great Adventure's ability to think outside of the box given the ongoing state restrictions which we still live under, the park took the initiative to go "old school" and revert back to the days of driving cars through the safari.  And if today's visit was any indication, it appears that having the ability to take in all the great animals the safari has to offer was just what we needed to attempt to get back to normal.

Today's visit was truly enjoyable made possible by the friendly employees which helped pull it all together.  In addition to all the folks who got things fine tuned after an eight year pause in welcoming cars, the onstage cast really made the Wild Safari Drive Thru Adventure a success.  Hat's off to everyone!

And now, onto the photos of a trip through our "new" safari experience!

These utility poles in the American Plains section of the park are new having been installed as part of the solar farm.
As this first area hasn't been used since the Safari Off Road Adventure was introduced, it was more or less a cut through, especially since the majority of its animals have been moved ahead to the next section.
  Camp Aventura obviously was not open.  
A new lion enclosure is now fenced in towards the back area of the Kingsland section.
This sign is very old!    
This is the new Safari Off Road Adventure entrance from the theme park. Now on to two long off-limit areas.
The long closed Safari Exploration Station has been taken over by nature. Although not in use, the old Safari ticket booths have been spruced up. Thanks Great Adventure!