Games have been a big part of amusement areas since they first began, and theme parks incorporated games into the mix of attractions offered as both a fun activity as well as a big source of revenue. Games of skill (and luck) giving out an array of prizes have always called to passing guests who willingly parted with their hard earned cash trying to demonstrate their skills for their friends and other guests.

Built as an extension to the Hernando's Hide-a-way games area in 1980, Pedro's Pitch was a freestanding building set slightly away from the rest of the southwestern games area near Rolling Thunder.

Its high traffic location made it the most popular of the area's games, and for many years it was one of the more profitable stands in the park. Part of the appeal of Pedro's Pitch was its adjacency to the children's ride area. While little ones rode rides, older siblings or parents would often play games.

Initially the stand housed a coin toss game (Pedro's Pitch), but with changes in technology and tastes in games, several different challenges took up residence in the building including Wacky Wire and Frog Bog.
 Over time the games in this area of the park dropped off in popularity with more of an emphasis being placed on the Boardwalk area. While the neighboring Hernando's Hide-a-way game stand ultimately switched over to just coin operated games, Pedro's Pitch remained true to itself as an attendant-manned games attraction.  However, the stand's operations were reduced to only high attendance days.

 In the autumn of 2005, Pedro's Pitch was demolished as part of the preparations for the creation of 2006's Plaza del Carnaval area. The site of Pedro's Pitch would become home to the new colorful Tango ride.
Original Spotlight:  July 30, 2020.  GAH Reference#:  GAME-1980-002