Creating a themed environment based on a cartoon is simultaneously a challenge and an opportunity for theme parks. Cartoon worlds don't adhere the laws of physics or reality creating a challenge for three dimensional designers, but the artists creating two dimensional set pieces get to create something unique and artistic.

With the acquisition of the Six Flags Theme Parks by Time Warner, existing themed areas were improved with additional theme elements being added. Bugs Bunny Land was one of the recipients of the enhancements including the distinctive new tree trunk entrance as well as new backdrop style walls along the edges of the area.
The long wall along the park service road was redesigned with tall facades creating a cartoon style background for the fun rides and attractions. Additional free standing set pieces like a Bugs Bunny cutout and buildings were placed in front of the background walls, much in the way cartoons were created with two dimensional drawings layered to create depth.

The backdrops that were installed were but a small portion of a much grander plan to fill Bugs Bunny Land with similar structures in a complete overhaul of this popular children's section.
The colorful backdrop wall lasted for more than ten seasons, and was demolished along with the rest of Bugs Bunny Land at the close of the 2004 season to make way for construction of the Golden Kingdom in 2005.