As one of the three main restaurants in the Enchanted Forest, the Gingerbread Fancy was the simplest and in many ways the most elegant. The restaurant was a basic square slab of concrete covered in terrazzo flooring with a square building in the center. The steel framework of the building went up quickly with the roof installed by late spring. 
The building was enclosed with large plate glass windows and simple low brick walls meaning the interior would be light and airy. Around three sides of the building a porch was built with a simple steel framework supporting graceful arches. The arches would originally support colorful canvas roof panels creating a shady place to sit and rest.

As construction progressed, the details were added to the building that would make it unique.  One of those details included the fan designs of the mullions of the upper windows. This pattern would be repeated throughout the park in other buildings and attractions. The steel supports of the building would be dressed up with fiberglass wrappings to give the structure more gentility and substance. The columns around the porch and the railing made the harsh vertical lines softer, and inside the building the columns were dressed in multiple layers of scrolls which would be hung with ferns to dress up the room. Finally, the decorative scrolls of lights were added to trim the arches along the edges of the porch roof.

Gingerbread Fancy was largely complete by Great Adventure's July 1st opening date, though some of the scrolls of lights on the archways around the porch had not yet been installed.