Eat Eat! was built to handle the anticipated crowds
with a wrap around counter that could serve multiple guests at once from
a single central grill area.
Located next to the Giant Wheel, it was designed to be a more
casual alternative to the neighboring Gingerbread Fancy which was one of
the park's major restaurants and specialized in more elaborate fare.

The building was very simple and was a match to the
Bandstand Cafe building on the other side of the park and the Fountain
Cafe building just down Dream Street.
All three were simple structures with a central cooking and
preparation area with open counters on three sides where servers could
handle multiple guests.
When the buildings were open they were truly open to the elements, with
simple hinged plywood panels that
could be latched to the counters when the stand was closed, or latched
to the overhanging ceiling when the stand was open for business.
The only shelter from the elements was the simple flat roof.
In the center of the stand was the grill with a simple range hood
above to ventilate the cooking smoke.
The dining area for the stand was a simple patio
with outdoor tables and umbrellas to offer some shade to diners.
Initially the umbrellas were colorful polka dotted designs,
eventually being replaced with aluminum umbrellas.