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War on Lines Commercial:


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Blackbeard's Lost
Treasure Train was a double figure-8 model Tivoli coaster, and offered a
great family coaster experience that the park had been missing.
Originally planned to have fairly elaborate theme elements, the ride
ended up with a simpler station which has never truly been finished with
the queue area never actually getting queue bars. Even the
ride's sign didn't make it to the ride until years after its
construction. |
The Chaos ride was
one of the most generic rides added as part of the War On Lines.
The Chance made ride featured the standard lighting and signage package.
Its location next to Studio 28 and Granny's was tucked off the side of
the main pathway making it nearly invisible when not in operation.
The ride suffered long stretches of downtime in its time at the park as
the engineering defects were discovered with the same ride in other
parks. After a series of ride accidents involving the
same model of ride, the plug was pulled and Chaos was removed from the
park as well as most parks around the world which owned them.
The ride currently sits in pieces in the park's boneyard and the ride
site currently serves as a smoking area in the park.
Daffy's Duccaneer was
added to Bugs Bunny Land taking over what was part of the Bugs Bunny
Rail Way. The Duccaneer was a small version of the park's
Buccaneer swinging ship ride.
The Duccaneer rarely ran in its time in Bugs Bunny Land, and was removed
in preparation for the construction of The Golden Kingdom.
The ride was moved to the park's boneyard where it continues to sit. |
The Evolution ride
was an example of one of the more unique rides the park purchased.
It was a prototype and had been operated at Oktoberfest in Munich before
Six Flags purchased it.
The ride was originally destined for a location between the HBO
Commissary and Batman: The Ride but was constructed in what had been the
location of the Super Round Up since the park opened. The Super
Round Up was moved to a location behind Batman: The Ride which would
later become the queue area for Nitro.
Evolution was one of the rides added as part of the War On Lines that
experienced long periods of down time, and the operational complexity
sealed its fate since it needed modifications that were expensive and
difficult to do in the State of New Jersey.
The ride was moved to Six Flags Saint Louis where it was re-themed and
marketed as Xcalibur with a new, simplified control system.
While it served as just one of more than a dozen rides added to Great
Adventure, at Six Flags Saint Louis it was marketed as a major "new"
The Great American
Road Race was added to Great Adventure and the same go-kart ride was
added to Six Flags theme parks throughout the country at the same time.
The upcharge ride was added as a new source of revenue as well as a new
As one of the staples of amusement parks everywhere, it was an
attraction that Great Adventure lacked after the removal of the Grand
Prix electric go-kart ride which was one of the park's original
attractions. |
Perhaps the most
spectacular and one of the most unique rides that was added in the War
On Lines was Houdini's Great Escape, a uniquely themed Vekoma Madhouse
which was more than just a ride, and could be enjoyed by the whole
Being one of the few operating rides of its type, mechanical problems
and modifications closed the ride for extended periods of time
throughout its time in the park.
Due to budget constraints the ride was closed for the entire 2008 and
opened in 2009 only for Fright Fest. The ride did reopen starting
in 2010.
The Jolly Roger was
another prototype ride the park purchased directly from the manufacturer
after it had been used as a demonstration model.
The Zamperla Regatta ride featured a pirate theme which made it a
perfect fit for the Lakefront section of the park, adjacent to Skull
Mountain and Buccaneer.
The ride was placed in an area that had been the overflow queue area for
Skull Mountain which was no longer needed as the rides initial
popularity had worn off and the additional queue was unused. |
The Jumpin' Jack
Flash ride had perhaps the most dramatic and visible locations in the
park, replacing what had been a planter at the center of Dream Street.
The brightly colored ride and it dramatic movements were a spectacle
that drew crowds to watch as much as to ride.
Originally Six Flags had slated this Huss Jump ride for installation at
Six Flags Fiesta Texas, but a last minute decision brought it to Great
Adventure instead.
Being a prototype and the only one of its kind in North America, it
suffered a great deal of downtime with the park's maintenance crews
spending long periods of time trying to make the ride operational.
Finally the decision was made to remove the ride from the park and today
the parts of the ride sit in the park's boneyard.
The largest of the
War On Lines additions in size and price was without a doubt Medusa.
The first of its kind "floorless" roller coaster was a creation of
Bolliger & Mabillard who had created a reputation for smooth and
reliable coasters.
The ride was located in the park's Frontier Adventures section on a
piece of land that had originally been approved for the installation of
a wooden "Cyclone" coaster clone which was never built and instead was
constructed as Psyclone at Six Flags Magic Mountain.
The coaster's fluorescent green and purple colors and Medusa name were
an odd fit for a western themed section, and the ride was re-themed in
the 2008-2009 off-season and re-launched as Bizarro.

The Pendulum was a
standard Huss Frisbee ride that was given a vaguely medieval theme to
fit into its location in Old Country behind the Autobahn.
While at the park the ride was rarely open, and when it was many guests
weren't even aware that the ride existed. Many guests saw it while
entering the park as it swung over the fences in the Inner Mall area,
but couldn't figure out how to get to the ride.
The Pendulum was removed during the 2002-2003 off season and moved to
Six Flags Great America where it was given a patriotic color scheme and
became the Revolution. Today the former ride site at Great
Adventure sits vacant and has been walled off, with the ride's
covered queue still visible above the fences.

The Pirate's Flight
ride was placed on the former site of the Traffic jam bumper cars in an
area between the Lakefront section and Fantasy Forest, fitting equally
into both areas. The Zamperla Balloon Race ride was
customized with a pirate ship theme.
The ride was a popular family ride though due to staffing issue, wasn't
open all the time.
In an effort to beef up the lineup of attractions at the Six Flags
World's of Adventure park in Ohio, Six Flags moved the ride between the
2002 and 2003 seasons. Pirate's Flight remained at World's of
Adventure when it was purchased by Cedar Fair, and when Cedar Fair
closed the rides area of the re-named Geauga Lake Park, the ride was put
up for sale. The fate of the ride is unknown at this time.
The ride site at Great Adventure was slated to become the new home to
the Scrambler ride, but it was never assembled, and the site sat vacant
since then, used for occasional shows and events.
The Rodeo Stampede
was a uniquely themed Huss Breakdance ride, with cow shaped ride
vehicles. The ride was located on what had been part of the
overflow queue for Viper and was no longer needed as the coasters
popularity declined.
At the end of the 2005 season the ride was removed in preparation for
the construction of El Toro. the ride was moved to Six Flags
Over Texas where it became part of their own version of the War On Lines
and was installed as one of the ten "new" rides that were added for the
2006 season. |
Spinnaker was the
park's third version of a monster-type ride, and was probably the least
operated of the War On Lines rides added to the park.
The sea themed ride fit well with the other nautically themed Lakefront
attractions, but it suffered from mechanical problems from the day it
arrived at the park.
After two seasons the ride was removed from the park and the fate of the
ride after its removal is unknown. The ride site became the
new home to the Fantasy Fling ride when it was moved to make way for the
queue area of Nitro. |
Time Warp was a
Chance Double Inverter ride located along the park's lakefront between
the Aqua Stadium and the Great Lake Grandstand.
The ride was rarely open between lack of staff and mechanical problems.
When it did operate it seemed to draw more spectators than riders as the
cars inverted practically over the heads of guests passing by on Show
After two seasons of problematic operations, the ride was removed and
placed in the park's boneyard where it sat for years until it was
removed in the 2008-2009 off season. The ride site was
converted into the Festival Stage for the Summer of Festivals in the
2002 season and is still used for occasional shows and events.
The Twister was added
as a replacement for the aging Joust-A-Bout ride at the top of the
Boardwalk where its bright lights and wild motions made it a spectacle.
The ride's wood grain theme is incongruous with the Boardwalk and Air
Force Base themes that surround it.
For many years the ride had no signage and was finally given a sign
almost ten years after its addition to the park. The ride
had a covered queue which was framed but never completed, and was
removed for the 2005 season as the entrance to The Golden Kingdom was
The Wile E. Coyote Speedtrap was added
to Bugs Bunny Land and was placed in an area that had been the site of
the Porky Pig Pipeline which was a ground level tunnel structure that
allowed children to crawl through tubes and nets.
The ride was a children's size Whip ride featuring sports car type
bodies, with each car being chased by a police car. The
ride's backdrop was given the look of a Roadrunner cartoon background.
At the end of the 2004 season the ride was removed to make way for The
Golden Kingdom, and the ride was shipped to The Great Escape park in
Lake George, NY where it was added to the re-vamped Looney Tunes
National Park as the Speedy Gonzales Camptown Racers.
Bugs Bunny Land had
been completely revamped for the 1988 season, and since then had only
had minimal improvements made. While park attendance had
continued to climb over time, the number of rides geared towards the
park's youngest guests didn't change until 1999 when the entirely new
Looney Tunes Seaport children's section was added.
The Adventure Rivers section was outdated after only a few years of
operations, with many theme parks around the country offering true
waterparks instead of the dry slides. With the addition of
Hurricane Harbor on the horizon for the following season, the decision
was made to remove the slides and convert the site into the Looney Tunes
Seaport. The presence of the Hydro Flume bisecting the area
made the section somewhat disjointed, with awkward ramps and stairs
required to get from one area to the other, which was not ideal for
parents with small children and strollers.
One of the
attractions that seemed to be a favorite of the Premier Parks management
that was added to many of their parks was the Foam Factory, an
interactive play area with foam balls that could be played with using a
variety of shooters and implements.
Looney Tunes Seaport received the Bugs Bunny Fun Factory which was
nautically themed on the exterior of the building. The
interior of the building offered multiple levels and included slides,
climbing structures, and thousands of foam balls that could be shot with
air guns. In the center and all around the building were
Looney Tunes characters with targets and other unique elements that
would launch or spill the balls all around.
The Bugs Bunny
Seaport Barnstormer was a Zamperla Barnstormer ride featuring two
biplane shaped gondolas each seating 10 guests, which rotate on arms in
opposite directions.
This was a great addition that parents could ride alongside their
children, and the mild ride was a great "next step" for children who
were ready to start trying the more grown up rides.
The plane theme was enhanced with the ride's fence which featured
propellers and the central support was designed to look like a control
tower, with a sky and clouds design on the supporting arms.
Daffy's Deepsea
Diver was a submarine shaped Zamperla Crazy Bus ride, providing a mild
thrill to children and parents as the ride made its fast drop in its
The yellow submarine shaped ride gondola featured port holes including a
large front porthole, along with a Daffy Duck figure clinging to the
periscope protruding from the top.
The ride also featured a nautically themed backdrop with ruins and fish
and an octopus along with other seas creatures. |
The Elmer Fudd
Weather Balloons combined the spin of a teacups ride with a slight lift
and tilt making the ride even more wild as the weight in the cars caused
the spinning to speed up and slow down at unexpected times.
This Zamperla built Samba ride allowed parents and children to ride
together under colorful balloons, with an Elmer Fudd figure in rain gear
riding in a central balloon.
For the 2007 season, the ride was rethemed as part of the Wiggle's World
makeover for a portion of Looney Tunes Seaport, becoming Dorothy's Race
To The Rainbow. |
The Hand Crank cars
was one of the least used of the attractions in Looney Tunes Seaport.
The Zamperla manufactured self propelled train cars required children to
pull a handle back and forth in order to propel the single seat mine
cars around a short freeform loop of track.
The ride was often to difficult for younger children and required the
attendant to assist getting them back to the starting point.
Combined with the isolated location, the ride had low ridership and was
removed for the 2007 season to make way for a new path to the restroom
facilities that were part of the defunct Koala Kanyon area.
The Michigan J Frog
Fun Flotilla was the second kiddie boat ride in the park.
The little launch style boats floated in a circular pond.
The location for the ride was moved after initial construction was
completed, requiring the removal and rebuilding of the concrete pool
Perhaps the most unique feature of the ride is that it was named for one
of the lesser known Looney Tunes characters. At the time
Michigan J. Frog was the mascot of the WB Network and was used in
commercials and promos. The character had only appeared in a
single cartoon in 1955 which is one of the best known of the Looney
Tunes cartoons and considered by many as one of the best cartoons ever
A teacups style
ride is always one of the most popular rides for kids, and had been
something the park had lacked. Pepe LePew's Heart's Aweigh
was a Zamperla Mini-Teacups ride custom themed to fit in the Seaport's
nautical motif.
The small teacups allowed children to spin to their hearts content
either with or without their parents riding with them. |
The third and
smallest of the coasters added as part of the War On Lines and offered a
great first coaster for the youngest guests. The park had
been lacking a children's coaster since the removal of Little Thunder in
The coaster was a Zamperla Family Coaster which had a train of 6 cars
that each sat 2 and could accommodate parents along with their children.
The ride's 16 foot height offered a fun and fast ride.
Originally the coaster featured the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote
characters on the front and back of the train, but the figures were
removed after only one season.
Sylvester's Pounce &
Bounce ride was designed to look like a lighthouse with a Tweety figure
at the top holding a mallet, with a Sylvester figure at the top of the
ride's seats which bounce up and down the tower. The
Sylvester figure was later removed.
The Frog Hopper style ride was one of the few rides with a very limited
range of riders, with both minimum and maximum height requirements due
to the size of the seats.
For the 2007 season the ride was rethemed as part of the creation of the
Wiggle's World area from a portion of the Looney Tunes Seaport.
Perhaps the most
elaborate of the rides added to Looney Tunes Seaport was Taz's Seaport
Trucking Company which featured oversized 4x4 style trucks that followed
a winding course through elaborate pieces of scenery.
The Zamperla Convoy ride with electric vehicles that follow a guiderail,
and can seat both children and adults which allowed parents to ride
For the 2007 season's transformation of a portion of the Looney Tunes
Seaport into Wiggle's World, the truck vehicles were replaced with cars
to create the Big Red Cars ride, and the original vehicles were removed
to the park's maintenance area.
The Taz Tornado was a
Zamperla Lolly Swing ride with the standard clown and lollypop theme
elements being replaced with a Tasmanian Devil head a the center and the
arms as the character's hands. The center of the ride
featured a swirling tornado covering.
The ride's spinning motion was a clever way to represent the characters
wild spinning. |
The Yosemite Sam
Flight School was a standard Zamperla childrens ride with the unique
feature of having pontoons on the plane bodies and a circular pool
beneath the ride.
The ride's theme elements were simple with the addition of a Yosemite
Sam fiberglass figure in the center and the picket fence surrounding the
ride featuring propellers.
The bright primary colors of the ride seat up to four passengers and
allow adults to ride with their children.